Ruedi Küenzi – From sawing off the mountains

Ruedi Küenzi (Kilchberg 1943 – 2010 Schlatt)

Vom Absägen der Berge (From sawing off the mountains)
With 9 color woodcuts by Ruedi Küenzi
Inspired by verses from Beat Brechtbühl’s book of poems of the same name
With a text by Kathleen Bühler
Edition Atelier Alexander, CH Winterthur, spring 2003

9 color woodcuts by Ruedi Küenzi, each 21 x 15 cm

The woodcuts assembled into a leporello (21 x 270 cm)
The last woodcut is numbered, signed and dated:
30/33 – Küenzi 2003
Numbered in the imprint: 30/33
In cardboard envelope and cardboard slipcase

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