Do not be afraid! – Alice Marcet, Woodcuts

Fürchtet euch nicht! (Do not be afraid!) Four legends.
Four legends. by Alice Marcet and Alice Lüthi
With 15 original woodcuts (1 colored and 11 full-page) by Alice Marcet.
Original semi-canvas tape with original woodcut on the front cover
30 x 21.5 cm, 58 pages
Editor: Adolf Fehr, Zürich (ohne Jahr), ca 1940

First and only edition.
The following legends exist: «Das Eselchen des Ismael», «Die Hände des Boas», «Das Weihnachtslicht», «Das Opferlamm». (“Ishmael’s little donkey”, “Boaz’s hands”, “The Christmas light”, “The sacrificial lamb”).

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