50 years Galerie Nierendorf 1920-1970

Fifty years of Galerie Nierendorf. 1920-1970. Review, documentation, anniversary exhibition.

With 26 original graphics, 6 of which are signed

Orig. Cardboard tape with mounted cover illustration, 16.4 x 22 cm, 294 pages
No. 703 of 3000 copies with a total of 26 original graphics von Georg Tappert, Heinrich Richter (signiert), Max Kaus, Robert Wolfgang Schnell, Erich Heckel, Erich Buchholz, Arthur Degner, Karl-Heinz Schunn, Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, Arwed D. Gorella (signiert), Conrad Felixmüller, Otto Möller, Kurt Mühlenhaupt, S. Fridolin Frenzel, Gerhard Marcks, Otto Dix, Paul Herrmann (signiert), Christian Rohlfs, Otto Nebel, Hans Jaenisch (signiert), Hannah Höch, Herta Neumann (signiert), Erhard Gross, Winand Victor, Walter Krzywicki und Konrad Schüler (signiert).

Book spine slightly faded. Slight moisture damage: the first pages slightly wavy in the upper area and discolored red in places by the buckle cover. The rest of the book is unaffected. The 26 original woodcuts are flawless!

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