Hermann Scherer – Self Portrait

Hermann Scherer (Rümmingen 1893 – 1927 Basel)

Self Portrait(with paint brushes)
Woodcut around 1925
Lower right with the stamp: Neudruck (Reprint), copy No. Probe (Sample)
54.5 x 29.8 on 74 x 61 cm
Estate No. 16

Reprint from 1974/76
Authorised print of an edition of XXXV copies, printed from the original wood plate.
A reprint of 35 copies of this woodcut was published in 1965.

Compare the oil painting “Self Portrait in the Atelier” 1925, Werner Coninx Foundation, Zurich.

Hermann Scherer was an important exponent of Expressionism in Switzerland. On New Year’s Eve 1924/25 he founded the artist group “Red-Blue” together with Albert Müller and Paul Camenisch. A short time later (1925) Werner Neuhaus and Otto Staiger joined. “Die Brücke” andErnst Ludwig Kirchner, with whom the painters were in personal contact, had a decisive influence on the group.

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