Arminus Hasemann – Schu Ferro speaks

Arminus Hasemann (Berlin 1888 – 1979 Berlin)

Schu Ferro speaks
Woodcut 1912/14
Signed lower right: A. Hasemann
Inscribed lower left: 25 (of 50)
20.3 x 16.3 on 33.5 x 25 cm

From the portfolio “Himmel und Hölle auf der Landstraße” (Heaven and Hell on the Country road), printed under the supervision of the artist.
On gray “Van Geldern Zonen” laid paper with watermark and with a remark at the number.
The remarque was sanded down for the later prints of the book editions.
Published by B. Behrs Verlag / Friedrich Feddersen, Berlin und Leipzig, 1915

Literature: « … ruhelos und ohne des Schlafes Geschenk» 1285

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